Sunday, June 24, 2012

week 11

How far along? 11weeks.  (on June 19th)
Total weight gain/loss:  still going up and down 3lbs
Maternity clothes ?nope, loving leggings and dresses for these hot summer days! 
Stretch marks? using Palmer's Cream am & pm... no stretch marks yet! 
Sleep: i'm still pretty tired... anxious for 2nd trimester to get here, i hear such great things about this thing called a 2nd trimester...
Best moment this week: having my last day at the Preschool i've been working at for 10 months. Such a relief to not be stressed about work!!! Praising the Lord for a GREAT new nanny job, working less and making almost the same amount of $$! 
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? hot tubs and wake-boarding... both keep coming up in conversation and i crave both of those in the summer time!
Movement: nope. other than less and less of my "normal" stomach and more and more of awkward pregnancy stomach!
Food cravings: bagels and cheese!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: smells. still. i threw up after taking out the garbage the other day. bad breathe and B.O. makes me gag... like if someone walks by me in Target or is talking to me... i have to turn me head... it's pretty bad!
Have you started to show yet: just a tiny bit...
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Next appointment is 2 weeks away and i can't wait to meet my Dr and hear the heart beat again!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh the bagel stage! I ate SOOO many bagels...then one day half way through one, I puked...ate the rest then haven't had one since haha! And missing fun summer activities is so UGH!!! I can't ride. Run. Or basically do anything :(
