Sunday, November 4, 2012

W is for...

 W is for Wesley. 

yup, that's his name! 
our little Wes is a mover and shaker these days! 
He makes sure his full time job is letting mommy know it in the rib cage! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

gender reveal.

i told you i was a terrible blogger here's the proof, our gender reveal party was August 16th!!!

i had so much fun planning and decorating! 

Just as we expected the "reveal" frosting was BLUE! Baby Boy!!! 

We are so so so excited to be parents and feel so blessed to be having a son first! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

a photo catch up.

so, i'm a terrible blogger!

here's some weekly photos to update my "bump" progress. i promise to be better in the last 10 weeks of this thing called pregnancy! Yes, only 10 weeks left! Agh!!!!

20 weeks

21 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks

24 weeks

25/26 weeks

27 weeks

28 weeks

29 weeks

Thursday, August 9, 2012

17 weeks

How far along? 17weeks.  (on July 31st)
Total weight gain/loss:  + 5lbs 
Maternity clothes ? nope, loving summer dresses for these hot summer days! 
Stretch marks? using Palmer's Cream am & Murad Body Cream pm... no stretch marks yet! 
Sleep: sleep was so great this week! We were on Vacation in Florida!!! woo! Thankfully my brother & his wife have a fabulous guest bed and then the hotel we went to for our Anniversary was INCREDIBLE!!!
Best moment this week: going on vacation. some call this a "baby moon" like a "honey moon" before baby arrives, my guess is that we will have a couple mini-baby moon's in the coming months. 
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? being in FL and relaxing on the beach made everything seem perfect, so not really. 
Movement: maybe? it's hard to tell.
Food cravings: French Fries. We went to Chic-fil-a 4 times in a week. Waffle fries are my new BFF. I am noticing an increase in my appetite all the time. I keep reminding my self "slow and steady wins the race"... my biggest fear is gaining 50lbs. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really.
Have you started to show yet: more and more everyday!
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY! I wouldn't  say i'm one of those people who "LOVES BEING PREGNANT" but i definitely don't hate it! i find it quite magical.

Looking forward to: knowing if these random tummy feelings are baby or just rumblings in my tummy.
Baby's first t-shirt
date night in FL

Monday, July 16, 2012

15 weeks

photo taken 7/12/12
How far along? 15weeks.  (on July 17th)
Total weight gain/loss:  + 3lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes ? nope, loving summer dresses for these hot summer days! 
Stretch marks? using Palmer's Cream am & Murad Body Cream pm... no stretch marks yet! 
Sleep: other than waking up to a bed soaked in sweat, sleep is sweet these days! i'm slowly needing a afternoon nap less and less, which is fabulous for my home-making ways!
Best moment this week: seeing my little Gosling on the ultra-sound screen AGAIN!!!! 
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? a large sum of my Summer Dresses is in the "for next year" draw, because my b**bs are SO huge they don't stay contained!!! I never would have guessed my clothing issues in the beginning of pregnancy would be do to my b**bs and not my belly!!! i'm fairly certain my +3lbs has come solely from those bad boys growing!!! 
Movement: YES... well kinda... because we got to have another ultra sound this week, we got to SEE some movement!!! Baby G was making sure we know it is growing strong by putting on a dance show for us and the Dr.
Food cravings: Still bagels and cheese!!! And we can add Steak to the list of cravings... yum yum. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: smells. still. and with the humidity as it is, there are a lot of BO smells wafting by!! icky!
Have you started to show yet: more and more everyday!
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: August 16th is our next appointment and the date of our ultra sound to find out PINK or BLUE!!!!!! i'm SOOOOOOOO excited! We are going to be having a Gender Reveal party that night to find out with all of our close friends there to celebrate!!! woo!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

week 11

How far along? 11weeks.  (on June 19th)
Total weight gain/loss:  still going up and down 3lbs
Maternity clothes ?nope, loving leggings and dresses for these hot summer days! 
Stretch marks? using Palmer's Cream am & pm... no stretch marks yet! 
Sleep: i'm still pretty tired... anxious for 2nd trimester to get here, i hear such great things about this thing called a 2nd trimester...
Best moment this week: having my last day at the Preschool i've been working at for 10 months. Such a relief to not be stressed about work!!! Praising the Lord for a GREAT new nanny job, working less and making almost the same amount of $$! 
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? hot tubs and wake-boarding... both keep coming up in conversation and i crave both of those in the summer time!
Movement: nope. other than less and less of my "normal" stomach and more and more of awkward pregnancy stomach!
Food cravings: bagels and cheese!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: smells. still. i threw up after taking out the garbage the other day. bad breathe and B.O. makes me gag... like if someone walks by me in Target or is talking to me... i have to turn me head... it's pretty bad!
Have you started to show yet: just a tiny bit...
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Next appointment is 2 weeks away and i can't wait to meet my Dr and hear the heart beat again!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

week 10

How far along? 10weeks.  (on June 12th)
Total weight gain/loss:  still going up and down 3lbs
Maternity clothes?nope, but i invested in more leggings and fun dresses/tunics for comfy summer clothes! 
Stretch marks? using Palmer's Cream am & pm... no stretch marks yet! 
Sleep: this week has been miraculous in the fact that i have only been working 1/2 days at work, making afternoon naps possible and evenings productive, and bedtimes a little later! woo! However i have been having a lot of "restless leg" going on, my knees get really sore and i have random spasms that send my whole leg shaking... and waking me up a lot, but oh well, not much too complain about in the big view of things! 
Best moment this week: relaxing on a boat on the river. being able to spend an entire day just resting did brilliant things for my soul. 
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? i currently miss my family, but that's not due to pregnancy....
Movement: nope. other than the influx of bloating...good bye six-pack, hello awkward pregnant stage!
Food cravings: Pizza, which is funny because week 6&7 pizza made me sick!
Anything making you queasy or sick: smells. especially poopy diapers at work!! my sense of smell has come into it's pregnancy glory and i can smell most things a mile away! Dean says that the Police should hire pregnant women to sniff out the bad guys instead of dogs...
Have you started to show yet: just a tiny bit...
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Finding out PINK or BLUE!

*this post was intended for June 12, but got delayed in editing. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

world, meet gosling #1

this is our little gosling. tiny and perfect.
this photo is from my 9week ultrasound and it was the most incredible experience!

our little gosling is quite the mover!!! He/she was a wiggle worm during the whole ultrasound! Of course this photo is grainy and not near as magnificent as it was to see on the monitor! I cried in pure amazement of life, inside me. growing! wow, wow, wow! i don't think i will ever forget what that moment was like!

their little heart is beating fast and strong! such a good sign to see, setting my heart at ease!

i am still convinced it's a boy, but we'll have to wait a while to find out for sure!

in the meantime, i'll just sit and stare at this photo in complete awe of the miracle of life and the plans of God who put it inside me!  

Friday, June 15, 2012

week 9

How far along? 9 weeks.  (on June 5th)
Total weight gain/loss: keep going up and down 3lbs
Maternity clothes?nope.
Stretch marks? nope, i bought some Palmers cream lotion to start using... we'll see what happens
Sleep: i am tired a lot and going to bed early seems to help a lot.
Best moment this week: 1st Dr Appointment TODAY (june 5) SO INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Ranks in the top moments of my life; hearing the heart beat and seeing baby on the screen
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Yogurt, too scared to try and eat it after bad experience.
Movement: nope. other than the influx of bloating at the end of the day!
Food cravings: This week? Pasta! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing specific this week.
Have you started to show yet: just a tiny bit... see pic.
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Finding out PINK or BLUE!

** this post is a little late... oops! busy week 9**

Friday, June 1, 2012

it's all his fault

it's all his fault.

this handsome man knocked me up!!!

and i couldn't be happier!

we had been married 9 months and 7 days when we found out we were expecting our little Gosling. Not exactly our plans for the first year of marriage, but we fully believe God uses every opportunity to bless us, and when we least expected it, we got a poppy-seed sized blessing!

i feel constantly blessed to be married to this man. he is the hardest working man i know and faithful should be his middle name. i've never seen him give up on anything (or anyone) nor have a heard any stories of such acts. he lives what he believes and preaches and is always challenging himself to live a stronger, better and more righteous life. i love these things about him. he is quick to apologize and slow to get angry. in fact, in the two and a half years that i have known him i have only seen a righteous anger come from his heart. righteous in the way that he SO desires EVERYONE to live in the fullness of Christ that he gets so sad when he sees people he cares about missing it, that his sadness turns to fueled anger for their souls! i love this about him. he believes in revival. this is an attractive quality in my book. my heart beats a little faster when i think about the things we dream of doing together and the places we believe we will go together. {be still my happy heart}

when i think about him being the father to my children? holey cow. i feel like i hit the jackpot when it comes to men who will father well. i get teary thinking about having a daughter who will have super high standards when it comes to dating because her dad will have loved her so well. when i think of having a son i couldn't be more happy knowing i married a man who knows what it takes to make a man. i know my sons will be strong and passionate (that could be from me) and ready to take on the world at a young age because they will have a dad who will teach them to stand for injustice and righteous living.

i love you dean goossen. let's take on the world. you, me and the little Gosling(s) to follow. xoxo


i can't get over how fast pregnancy cravings, and food not to eat,  kicked in! thankfully i have been craving my favorite food; anything Mexican! bring on the burritos, tacos, chips and salsa! other than that my craving haven't been too strong or out of the ordinary. however the list of "what not to eat" is growing :( other than milk, dairy products are pretty much out. i saw an advertisement for yogurt and gagged. literally, just at the sight of a photo! sick! i ate string cheese at school for snack last week and about 10 minutes later thought i would loose all food from the day! Thankfully cheese in my mexican food has been safe and wonderful. Milk, as long as it's REALLY cold is like ice cream to me.... and more than once, i have gone to the store to buy milk and left with this...

yes. pink as pepto, strawberry milk! even the thought of it makes me wiggle with grossness, but for some reason, when i see it in the cooler next to the yummy white stuff that is on my list, i have to have it! i drink it before i get home so i can throw away the evidence, but had to take a picture as proof of the WEIRD things that sound amazing during pregnancy!

i've been sad the last couple days because Orange Juice has been black listed! I had a yummy english muffin for breakfast the other day and wanted sip on something while i did my makeup...Orange Juice seemed like a logical choice at 7am. Not so much. i'll spare the details, but lets just say i was late to work and my makeup was quite smeared. :(

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

week 8

So, i found this list of weekly questions. i thought it would be a good place to start for this blog. Eventually i will include belly pics with these, but since i only feel bloated and pregnant, and don't look it, i'll just let you imagine and enjoy the questions!!!

Beware, i'm honest and not shy.

How far along? 8 weeks. exactly.
Total weight gain/loss: i'm about the same as always due to being deathly sick all weekend (not due to baby) and only eating english muffins and water. i think i have gained about 6lbs, but i lost all of that in 3 days of misery. 
Maternity clothes?nope
Stretch marks? nope, i'm looking into ideas to avoid. i've heard Mustela cream  is worth the price...
Sleep: i'm tired all the time and sleep as much as possible.
Best moment this week: having the kids i teach tell me i don't look like i have a baby inside because i'm not fat. i asked them if they ate a raspberry would they be fat? they said no. i told them my baby is only that big. they didn't believe me.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? S3X. can i say that? well it's true; this week has been terrible! not only have i been sick as a dog, but my man has been working 14+ hour days and we are too pooped to woop by the time he gets home. So i guess i miss my man too.
Movement: i think my uterus is actually the size of a graepfruit, which is normal, and it kinda feels like it's ascending... my belly button hurts, so to me that's a sign that there's movement.
Food cravings: anything MEXICAN!!!!!!!! bring on my favorite anytime food! yes!
Anything making you queasy or sick: yogurt or almost anything dairy.
Have you started to show yet: not really. bloating doesn't count.
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat!!! Next week is appt #1!!! woo-hoo


a few months back my amazing little brother Josiah {age 12} decided we should be pen pals. i love getting non-bill mail, so i was certainly game. Josiah is not only witty and has been making jokes since the age of 3, he is also an artist. these things combined make for some brilliant snail mail. of course meaning i have to do my best to keep up in reply letters, but that's a whole different subject. below is the picture Josiah drew for our first letter. see? funny and well drawn. i love that kid.

my favorite is what it says on the bottom but is hard to see fully; 
"get the joke goose goossen hahaha" 

i wish you all knew Josiah and could hear his little voice because it really is the most brilliant thing ever. my dear sister carissa and i have randomly been quoting this little line for 5 months. perhaps Josiah didn't know that baby Canadian goose are called goslings, hence the "baby" with an arrow to the nest, but seriously?! best letter ever.

i <3 my gosling.


some say innocence is bliss. so is denial. this is the last photo of me before i  knew i was pregnant... or should i say before i peed on a stick and it woke me up to the fact i was in denial of... either way. this is me. may 5 2012. bliss.

may 6 2012 - i had just spent the last 8 {glorious} days in my hometown, bend oregon, and i had obvious early pregnancy symptoms; tired, emotional, hungry but nothing sounds good, gurgly tummy, cramps, tender b**bs... you get the idea. but based on the 9 blissful months of newlywed-ed "carefully planned" nights, and the success of my favorite iphone app, i was 98% sure i was not pregnant. if i was, i thought to myself, it would have been the hand of God himself, because, really? that one night? naaaaa, no way. not a chance... or was there?

Welcome to my new adventure; pregnancy.