How far along? 17weeks. (on July 31st)
Total weight gain/loss: + 5lbs
Maternity clothes ? nope, loving summer dresses for these hot summer days!
Stretch marks? using Palmer's Cream am & Murad Body Cream pm... no stretch marks yet!
Sleep: sleep was so great this week! We were on Vacation in Florida!!! woo! Thankfully my brother & his wife have a fabulous guest bed and then the hotel we went to for our Anniversary was INCREDIBLE!!!
Best moment this week: going on vacation. some call this a "baby moon" like a "honey moon" before baby arrives, my guess is that we will have a couple mini-baby moon's in the coming months.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? being in FL and relaxing on the beach made everything seem perfect, so not really.
Movement: maybe? it's hard to tell.
Food cravings: French Fries. We went to Chic-fil-a 4 times in a week. Waffle fries are my new BFF. I am noticing an increase in my appetite all the time. I keep reminding my self "slow and steady wins the race"... my biggest fear is gaining 50lbs.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really.
Have you started to show yet: more and more everyday!
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY! I wouldn't say i'm one of those people who "LOVES BEING PREGNANT" but i definitely don't hate it! i find it quite magical.
Looking forward to: knowing if these random tummy feelings are baby or just rumblings in my tummy.
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date night in FL |