So, i found this list of weekly questions. i thought it would be a good place to start for this blog. Eventually i will include belly pics with these, but since i only feel bloated and pregnant, and don't look it, i'll just let you imagine and enjoy the questions!!!
Beware, i'm honest and not shy.
How far along? 8 weeks. exactly.
Total weight gain/loss: i'm about the same as always due to being deathly sick all weekend (not due to baby) and only eating english muffins and water. i think i have gained about 6lbs, but i lost all of that in 3 days of misery.
Maternity clothes?nope
Stretch marks? nope, i'm looking into ideas to avoid. i've heard Mustela cream is worth the price...
Sleep: i'm tired all the time and sleep as much as possible.
Best moment this week: having the kids i teach tell me i don't look like i have a baby inside because i'm not fat. i asked them if they ate a raspberry would they be fat? they said no. i told them my baby is only that big. they didn't believe me.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? S3X. can i say that? well it's true; this week has been terrible! not only have i been sick as a dog, but my man has been working 14+ hour days and we are too pooped to woop by the time he gets home. So i guess i miss my man too.
Movement: i think my uterus is actually the size of a graepfruit, which is normal, and it kinda feels like it's ascending... my belly button hurts, so to me that's a sign that there's movement.
Food cravings: anything MEXICAN!!!!!!!! bring on my favorite anytime food! yes!
Anything making you queasy or sick: yogurt or almost anything dairy.
Have you started to show yet: not really. bloating doesn't count.
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat!!! Next week is appt #1!!! woo-hoo
Because our last name is widely pronounced "Goosen" like the bird and not Goossen like "GO and SIN no more". I decided it would be clever to call the baby a "Gosling" instead of "peanut" or "it" or "littlebabywithnonameyet". So, until sometime in August when we can find out the gender, please enjoy the updates on our little Gosling!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
a few months back my amazing little brother Josiah {age 12} decided we should be pen pals. i love getting non-bill mail, so i was certainly game. Josiah is not only witty and has been making jokes since the age of 3, he is also an artist. these things combined make for some brilliant snail mail. of course meaning i have to do my best to keep up in reply letters, but that's a whole different subject. below is the picture Josiah drew for our first letter. see? funny and well drawn. i love that kid.
my favorite is what it says on the bottom but is hard to see fully;
"get the joke goose goossen hahaha"
i wish you all knew Josiah and could hear his little voice because it really is the most brilliant thing ever. my dear sister carissa and i have randomly been quoting this little line for 5 months. perhaps Josiah didn't know that baby Canadian goose are called goslings, hence the "baby" with an arrow to the nest, but seriously?! best letter ever.
i <3 my gosling.
may 6 2012 - i had just spent the last 8 {glorious} days in my hometown, bend oregon, and i had obvious early pregnancy symptoms; tired, emotional, hungry but nothing sounds good, gurgly tummy, cramps, tender b**bs... you get the idea. but based on the 9 blissful months of newlywed-ed "carefully planned" nights, and the success of my favorite iphone app, i was 98% sure i was not pregnant. if i was, i thought to myself, it would have been the hand of God himself, because, really? that one night? naaaaa, no way. not a chance... or was there?
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